Sottoposto a peer review

Time is on my side

Marco Ligabue

Nuove Musiche Numero 6 - 2019, pagine: 85-111
DOI 10.12871/97888333957916 | @ Pisa University Press 2021
Pubblicato: 20 dicembre 2021


The article outlines the poetics of Francesca Verunelli, and illustrates her compositional techniques and their relationship with electronics and technologies. It highlights aspects of writing techniques and those ideals that influence her writing – even in the absence of real electronics, because they give shape to her thought and to her writing. The figure and the works of the composer are framed within the historical context of the development of the “mechanical” compositions to which, in some of her works, Verunelli refers. “Mechanics” which often allowed composers to escape the limits of strictly measured musical time, by proposing new possibilities of articulation. Reference figure is Conlon Nancarrow, who – according to Verunelli’s own words – influenced her compositional thought. Thanks to these references, the figure of Francesca Verunelli can be organically included into that line of composers who, through notes, instruments and technologies – whether mechanical, electrical or digital – “write” musical time. Another significant aspect of the author is her relationships to cinema and musical theater. These elements lent ideas for her compositions, both on a conceptual level and on the level of writing, suggesting operational mechanisms. Musical theater allows for further temporal experimentations thanks to the vocal articulatory process. The text retains all its importance and is indeed enhanced through the writing process of the musical time for which it is used.

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Peer reviewed. Certificazione della qualità

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