Il miracolo del nuovo e l’enigma del diverso, ovvero come evitare il successo artistico ed essere felici: Boris Groys e John Cage
Nuove Musiche Numero 2 - 2017, pagine: 83-98
DOI 10.12871/97888674184287 | © Pisa University Press 2017
Pubblicato: 20 luglio 2017
The logic of inclusion and exclusion in the art system of objects and images which have been produced in the sphere of everyday life, is the basis of the logic of the “new”. The entry of these objects into museums, as well as the entry of some operations into the concert halls, is not a loss, but the possibility that the “new” is realized in a difference beyond the difference, examples of which are both in the sublimation of the banal (Cage) and in the museumization of the common object (Duchamp).
Percorso di valutazione
Peer reviewed. Certificazione della qualità