Hyper as a Principle: Process and Error in the Work of Composer Alexander Schubert
Nuove Musiche Numero 6 - 2019, pagine: 55-70
DOI 10.12871/97888333957914 | @ Pisa University Press 2021
Pubblicato: 20 dicembre 2021
This paper provides an in-depth examination of Alexander Schubert’s compositional techniques. The composer’s oeuvre is characterized above all by the interdependence of different – analogue and digital – media. Schubert works primarily with production – and distribution – techniques made possible by the digital turn with regard to his artistic works. Through the integration of motion sensors in his «Interactive Sensor Pieces» Schubert brings the physicality of the musicians into the focus of the performance and makes their gestures an essential, self-reflexive part of the compositions. He grants the musicians a high degree of improvisational freedom and creates moments of participation, especially in his «Community Pieces». His works challenge the concept of authorship, the construction of compositions as self-contained works and dissolve the traditional division into composer, musicians and audience. In this paper, on the basis of selected compositions, Alexander Schubert’s artistic work will be analyzed particularly with regard to its dimensions of intermediality, performativity and participation – always taking into account issues of impact through digitization.
Percorso di valutazione
Peer reviewed. Certificazione della qualità